Monday, March 17, 2008


Events of late have made me examine the topic of kindess, and the epidemic that is nearly bringing it to extinction (or so it seems).

Without going into specifics I have talked to many different people, both personally and professionally, and have come to the same conclusion: for the most part, kindess is being forgotten.

I'm not talking going out of your way, or grand getures, but the general day to day kindess that can really change the tide of things on that Monday where a smile, or hello makes all the difference.

I'll elaborate.

When picking up the phone at work, I am routinely interruped by this, "Let me speak with..."
Excuse me? Did you mean to interrupt me and then demand I "Let you speak with..."

I believe there's a better way.

How about, "Hi. How are you? May I speak with...?"

A few more words, but a huge change in tone, meaning, and my desire to help you.

It's the small things, like turning off your cell phone when it's not appropriate to have it on. Unless you are a Doctor with a patient on death's table, it's not necessary to be attached to your phone. You aren't that important. Give respect to the person in front of you. And they should do the same.

When you walk into a room, acknowledge people. Say hello and smile. You may be surprised at how much it changes how people see you and how they respond.

Think about how your actions affect others. Like a stone being thrown into a lake, the ripples reach far and wide. Do you want to be known as selfish? Do you want others to see you as the person that brings negative energy and makes life more difficult or do you want to bring joy and laughter where you walk?

Ok, so I can't be serious for long:

Look people. Don't be assholes. I mean serioulsy. Didn't we learn all of this crap in kindergarten? Let's leave the world a little bit better than we found it.

1 comment:

Say What said...

Uhhh, you need to read my most recent blog entry...