Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Decline of Civilization...and how I love Oatmeal

Things I'm grateful for today:

The weather!
My cute bracelet
Laughing with my co-workers
dinner with my slightly insane grandparents tonight
a good nights sleep
my cell phone is behaving
Peppermint Patties!
my house didn't flood
making plans with friends
driving a Jaguar (totally not mine, but still fun)
i've never had a cavity

I love oatmeal. Quaker Oatmeal. Maple brown sugar? Divine.

I was listening to the radio this morning and overheard the DJ's discussing how Latrell Sprewell's house was just foreclosed on. Let's re-cap his information:

"A 6'5" (1.96 m)
guard/forward, he is best known for an ugly incident of choking his Golden State Warriors coach in his 4th year in the league (1997), getting him expelled from the league; but also for his athleticism, versatility, and combative manner, and for leading the New York Knicks to the 1999 NBA Finals from the last seed (8th) after he was allowed to return to the league following a successful arbitration.

October 31, 2004, the Minnesota Timberwolves offered Sprewell a 3-year, $21 million contract extension, substantially less than what his then-current contract paid him. Insulted, he publicly vented his outrage, declaring, "I have a family to feed." He declined the extension, and, having once more drawn the ire of fans and sports media, had the worst season of his career in the final year of his contract."

Um... I can buy a LOT of Oatmeal with $21 million. Like at least a hundred boxes. I mean what kind of society do we live in when someone actually turns down $21 million, citing it as not enough? I guess when you're used to diamond encrusted toilet paper and eating gold bars for breakfast, it's hard to go back to Cheerios and Cottonelle.

1 comment:

Say What said...

Latrell Sprewell is a retard. And you can quote me on that.