Tuesday, May 20, 2008

On the cusp...

Cusp- a point that marks the beginning of a change.

Have you ever found yourself feeling excited for no reason, like something big is about to happen. Like your whole life has been a windy, difficult road taking you directly into a sunny place filled with dancing giraffes, and drunk mermen? 'Cause that's how I feel right now.

I can't really explain it. It's just a silly feeling deep in my belly (not the liver area, closer to the gall bladder) that tells me to just be happy right now because something is getting ready to happen. And I like it.

I feel different now than I ever have in my life. Maybe this is what everyone was talking about. Maybe I have "found myself." And I didn't even have to go to Europe to do it! Damn.

Is this a bunch of psycho-babble? Don't think so. Maybe it's just something that words can't do justice.


Say What said...

I used to get that a lot... random moments where'd I'd suddenly get hyper. It always signified that something good was about to happen.

Tiff said...