Thursday, June 26, 2008

I got game...

...or so I was told today by a three year old today who at the time was pretending to answer my phone and type on my keyboard. Her imitation of me was dead on, complete with a furrowed forehead and high pitched, annoying laugh. And it got me thinking, I want the world to get together and collectively play Duck, Duck, Goose. I want to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut diagonally, no crust please. And I want to wake up on a summer morning and feel the majesty of a day stretching out in front of me with no agenda.

Oh to be a kid again.

There are so many lessons we can learn from tiny tots. So many examples they give us each day on how to embrace the moment and roll with the punches. Kids know the importance of imagination. Clouds can look like whales. Why not?

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