Saturday, June 14, 2008

Update III

So this whole computer being broken thing... yeah... um... it's more complicated than I realized. I bought a new NIC card, installed it, and to my delight it works perfectly. But evidently, that wasn't the problem. And now I have to buy something else. And I will. Because I refuse to bow down to modern America's insistence that I purchase a new computer simply because mine is outdated.

Outdated. Yeah that's it.Not a dinosaur; just outdated. It just needs a little love. A little TLC from me to remind it, "Hey baby, I still love you. You still make my web page hum." Because we all need a little boost from time to time.

Upcoming events in my life (to be made into blog fodder):

- moving into a house with 3 other hot, single women
- trials and tribulations in a commission based sales job
- a dysfunctional family pretending to be totally normal (while consuming our gross weight in wine coolers)
- dating *insert ominous music here*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, hi, I'm one of said beautiful women and might I add the number has grown from 3 to 4, plus, well, you. Hope you like hotbeds of sin, cause you're about to be livin in one. Love, C