Friday, July 11, 2008


Something just took place, about ten minutes ago that made my day, no, my year. Someone in my life was incredibly generous and took a burden off of my shoulders. And while the specifics aren't important, I want to say this:

THANK YOU. From the depth of my heart and most pure place in my soul. I have never felt so blessed.

I have been focusing on generosity, kindness, gratitude, patience, and love these past two months, and the rewards have been ten-fold. I have noticed a change in my spirit. I have welcomed each day with a renewed faith in the goodness of people. I am constantly drawing in better experiences and love the results thus far.

And then today happened. And it just proves to me even more, that an attitude of gratitude and positive thinking really does make a difference. Looking at challenges as opportunities. Looking at people, really looking at them instead of pre-judging. Looking at the world as a place of abundance and happiness. It all has power. Positive power. And the energy cannot be denied.

I am so very thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I cannot wait to see what the future brings.

My cup runneth over.

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