Tuesday, August 19, 2008

If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~Milton Berle

Today is my Mom's birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!

In honor of her special day I thought I would dedicate this post to her.

My mom is the type of mom who always let us make the Christmas cookies. Flour would be everywhere; the cookies mis-shapen and decorated with hundreds of sprinkles, but she would tell us they were beautiful.

My mom is the type of mom who expected us to get good grades. There was no reward for academic performance. And because of that I became someone who expects to do well and carry myself with dignity and a sense of responsibility at work.

My mom is the type of mom who would play Monopoly tournaments with us for days on end, leaving the board in the middle of the living room floor until we could get back to it. She taught us how to win and lose gracefully so that we'd be prepared for the ups and downs of life.

My mom is the type of mom who made water guns out of spray bottles on hot summer days, and threw water balloons at us in a mad dash around the backyard.

My mom showed me what it is to laugh so hard you can't catch your breath, and gave me my uncontrollable giggles.

My mom is the type of mom who gave of herself so much that sometimes she forgot to give to herself.

My mom is the person that I call with a funny story, a random question, a problem, or just because.

And when I grow up, I hope my kids feel the same way about me as I do about her.


Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Happy Birthday to your Mama!

I miss her! And I miss YOU!

Mom said...

This is the best birthday present EVER!

Hi Jen!