Friday, November 6, 2009

Do YOU Dooce?

As in, do you read Dooce? 'Cause I do! And she started a new community feature on her blog. One of the questions yesterday was this: "If you have them, what are the three 'nevers' of your life?"

Below I've gathered a list of some of the best ones from her site. And I'm still thinking about mine. What are YOUR three "nevers"?

-Never send an email when I am angry - Write it - just don't send it

-Never say "I hate you" to someone you truly love, even if you're angry.

-Never say never

-Never chop up fruits and vegetables in the kitchen while you are naked

-Never say you can't do something without trying first.

-Never trust a man that wears a pinky ring

-Never call someone a bitch when you're not absolutely positive you've hung up the phone yet

-Never give up hope for the future

-Never date a guy who shows up to your house in an El Camino. If he can't make a commitment between a car or a truck what hope do you really have?

-Never change your core self after getting married - it will cause issues in the relationship

-Never start smoking, then you'll never have to try to quit.

-Never use your credit card for a bar tab... for 4 years

-Never forget that your parents are human beings, not super-human

-Never forget that whatever customer service problem you have is probably not the fault of the person you are dealing with. Being really really nice often gets you further than losing it with said customer service rep.

-Never marry a man unless you want your son to be just like him.

-never play the one up game with anyone, their worst and your worse are still THE worst thing to have happened. your best and their best are still only yours to own. (ugh, I can't stand one uppers. I know a few. If you got up at 6, they got up at 5. If you are sick, they are sicker and so on. It's just not a contest people and no one is impressed)

(there are a lot more, but this is just a sampling)

I think these are mine (but I will never commit to that)

1. Never regret. Everything you did. Every mistake you made. It all went into making you who you are today. Good or bad. We all choose. Own it. Use it. Do better next time.

2. Never stop laughing with/kissing/learning from and about your partner/spouse/significant other. They should always come first.

3. Never blame anyone else for how you act/react. The one thing we are all in control of is ourselves & our attitudes. No matter what anyone does or says we control what we do and say.


Reggie said...

Crap, I like the El Camino. It's kind of one of my dream cars, ha ha

Tiff said...

Know what's funny? Cute bf's dad has a Ranchero! I like 'em too. Don't worry :) I thought it was a funny one.

Reggie said...


Ms. Moon said...

Those are great nevers. I'll have to think about my own.