Saturday, December 19, 2009

A few pictures


Ms. Moon said...

So you did get a tree?
Sweet pictures.

Tiff said...

No, we didn't get a tree. That's our friend Jimmy's tree. And my it was beautiful. We're up to 14 inches of snow and I'm knee deep in flour making cookies :)

Cass said...

I love the pics!! Have fun with your cookies, I'm doing mine tomorrow with the kids...should be fun and messy...I love it!!! Thank you so much for your mommy comment on fb earlier honestly don't know what that did for me today. With everything feeling like it's falling down around me, I've been emotional and mentally really made my day, my kids are awesome, and for you to say that, it really boosted me today! Thanks Tiff, really...If I could see you I would have given you the biggest hug ever:)