Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pay it forward

I have paid for the people behind me at toll booths.
I have given the mother of four the dollar she was short in the grocery store.

And in return I've had someone cover my order at Starbucks out of the goodness of their heart. I've gotten free coffee at 7-11 from a construction worker, and a free salad from Chik-fil-a.

I truly believe in the circular karmic universe. Put out what you want to get back. And during this holiday season when we're rushing about, busy with our lists and our lives I want to do something to give back.

So tomorrow morning I will go to Dunkin Donuts and order a large coffee. I will pay for my order and hand over an extra five dollars. I will tell the employee that the five dollars is for the person behind me, to cover their order. If there is still money left, cover the next person and so on. And I hope that they will pay it forward too. Want to start a pay it forward where you live tomorrow?


Unknown said...

So, my neighbor and I adopted a family for Christmas. The lady said that if she had anything left over from what we are giving her, she would pass it on to other needy families in her neighborhood. THAT is awesome :-)

Tiff said...

LOVE that. Fantastic!