Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stir Crazy

I'm not good at resting. I should have stayed home. I should be in bed watching movies and drinking tea. But I just can't call out of work. So here I am and my job is silly easy but I'm not at home and anytime you are sick and not at home it seems that much worse. I'm so not good at resting. I like to clean and do laundry and straighten and feel productive. But not today.

The rain is falling and it's winter chilly outside. Snow showers are in the forecast for this weekend. I get excited for snow. At the first flake I run outside. White has a taste. Snow has a smell. Winter is a feeling. Like unwrapping a present you got yourself. You know you're going to like it.

So I'm here and I'm "working". I want to curl up somewhere and have my Mom bring me soup and ginger ale and plain toast. I want to watch Steel Magnolias and cry. But I'm here, doing this instead and that's ok because I chose this. Just like tonight I will choose to take a hot shower to clear my head and eat chicken noodle soup and climb into the big bed with the remote in my hand while I tell the germs to firmly get the hell out of my body so I can live my life in peace again.


Ms. Moon said...

Ah- not fair. Go to bed really early tonight. Rest. Get well.

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

germs! get the hell outta thaw!

*hugs* get better!