Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Yesterday the wind blew dead trees to the ground, and I ran over someone's trash can lid (so, so sorry! I never saw it coming) Rain fell in sheets and the sky was so black that I prayed it wasn't the rapture. Alas, it passed and out came a blue sky. The temperatures rose into the low sixties teasing us with a taste of Spring.

But today, winter came back. It's in the thirties and that's ok. It is January after all. And they're calling for snow this weekend.

Sunday night we had dinner with cute boyfriends parents and then he headed off to hockey. I stayed home to, well, sleep. But when he came back I was awake and he was revved up from the game so we sat in bed eating giant bowls of ice cream, watching Spartacus until the wee hours of the night and it felt good to be home and safe and happy. I require little else.


Anonymous said...

That is all any of us require, to feel safe,cosy and warm and loved of course.

Cass said...

It's so nice to have the simple, yet highly important things in life...you are truely blessed:)