Thursday, January 14, 2010


The horror in Haiti just keeps getting worse. Tragedies roll in and out, everyday it seems. And I don't mean to sound nonchalant. It's just a fact of life. Cute bf was in California a few days ago when two earthquakes (minor) hit. I worried. That's life. Things happen and we are at the mercy of it all. We hold on to this false idea that we control something. Oh maybe we control what we eat or wear, but the weather? The Earth splitting open beneath our feet? We are merely a blip on the radar screen. We have no control. Let's let it go. I don't know what else to say about Haiti. It's awful. And that's all that can be said.

I took my first spinning class on Monday night with my friend (also named Tiffany!) And I feel an obsession coming on. It was fast paced and challenging, but it was the mental challenge that I particularly liked. The physical I can do. But sixty solid minutes of sweat and being told to push harder until I felt like if I could would all be better...well that's where my brain kicked in and said, don't you dare. So yes, I loved it. But why oh why don't they make more comfortable bike seats? Ow.

Cute bf is gone again. Flying. Working. And we're figuring out how to do this semi-long distance thing. And well, it's not bad at all. He's pretty much the bees knees.

I don't know what else to say. I'm lacking inspiration and creativity today. I'm also hungry.

What's going on in your world?

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