Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Incable of coherent thought. Bear with me.

So I finally watched, "The Business of Being Born". It's a film I'd heard of and wanted to see but never actually saw until the other day. I was getting ready to run on the treadmill, flipping through channels and there it was. So I turned it on. And proceeded to laugh and cry and get really stinkin angry. And cry some more (because is there anything in this whole world more amazing than a child being brought into this world?!) So yes. I have always believed in drug free births. My Mom gave birth to two of us with no drugs. I'm glad she did. Sweet Jesus I have enough issues without adding drugs into the mix. So yeah, I've always thought I'll have drug free births as well. It's true, modern medicine treats pregnancy like an emergency. They rush and fret and lay you on your back (what the hell is that all about? Dr's meet gravity. It will help the baby to come out naturally...um..duh?) And they cut and give drugs and my God do you know Ceasarian section statistics? Alarming. I don't have babies yet. But someday I hope to. And women's bodies have been bringing life into the world for eons. We were made for it. So, yeah. Watch the movie.

Totally unrelated to the above: I had a salad yesterday that made me swoon. Baby spinach, mushrooms, tomato, bean sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and cucumber.

Totally unrelated yet again: it is cold here. My knees, aching with tendonitis, are telling me to just stay inside and hibernate. And I would so like that. More snow is on its way this week and I do love snow so I'll look forward to that. After we pass the winter solstice the days get longer and I get the tingle of happy because Spring! Spring is on its way!! It will be a while before it gets here but I don't care. Spring! I say. Spring! With budding flowers and the rains and the sun. Oh yes. I will try to be patient.


Cassidy said...

Tiff...Good for you that you want to do drug-free births...I did with Todd, and then swore that I would never do it again!!! Some people have it..I so don't!!! That was the first and last of natural births for me..epidurals were my best friends with Blake and Allie!!! I also agree..there is nothing more beautiful than watching a child be born, and it's more amazing than words could ever describe when it's your own!! Someday you are going to make an amazing mom..because you have an amazing mom showing you the way!!!

BTW...we have 3 ft and counting here of snow, and the high at the end of the week is supposed to be 6 and -7 at night...how many more days until spring again???!!!

Ms. Moon said...

That is a beautiful movie and a very important one. I had three of my four at home and I am certain that if I'd been in the hospital, they would have decided there were too many risk factors for me to deliver naturally.
I'm glad you saw it.

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Ah, yes... for me, this has been a classic case of "If I knew then what I know now..." *sigh* My first was a c-section based on the fact that my kid's heart rate plummetted rather abrubptly, failure to descend, etc. Would she have been ok if we were left to our own devices? Perhaps. But perhaps we would have been a statistic hailing back to pioneer days where women and babies perished in childbirth.

When the second pregnancy came around, I picked my c-section date and basically waited around. No one really presented another option. And that's when I think it started getting ugly.

Neither of my c-sections had complications. In fact, recovery was fairly simple and required little more than time.

However, when it came time to have my third, I wanted a natural birth.

And not a single doctor would let me do it. Irony. It sucks.

Yes, I could have labored at home. I could have even forgone a set of docs and carted myself to the ER to have the baby on my own terms. But there *were* risk factors at that point, all results of the past c-sections.

It makes me sad. And when I think of it? It makes me angry that I wasn't as informed as I deserved to be.

But then I settle down... resolve to tell my friends and family that when their time comes, they have a choice. They need to advocate for that choice, but the choice is theirs.

And I remember that no matter what method the child comes into the world, that initial sense of absolute wonder at seeing your little person face to face for the first time is lovely and perfect every time.

(Oh, and drug free laboring? Empowering, but my GOD, it sucks a lot... before the 1st c-section, I got to experience that little gem. Can't say I'm sorry I never got to again).

Tiff said...

Cass-thanks for sharing!! And thanks. I certainly hope I am :) And Spring in Indiana? Do you guys even get a Spring?! I couldn't believe the pictures on the news of all the snow you guys have. Stay warm!

Ms. Moon- It blew me away. I mean, I've done A LOT of reading/talking about this subject because it fascinates me...but when I saw this it was like coming home. It made me feel like it was ok to feel what I always felt: that somewhere along the way everything in birth and life and death got so complicated. I don't want to miss that bond, that "hormonal cocktail" that is naturally produced at birth. I pray to God I can deliver this way one day.

Jen Jen- I knew you would weigh in since you have three gorgeous munchkins that you somehow got out of your itty bitty self and out into this world so successfully.
I'm sorry people didn't tell you more. I feel like that's the case with all women though. It seems so frustrating. And I 100% know I don't have children so I'm just a bunch of talk right now, but I pray that when my time comes I can do a natural drug-free probably at home, birth because it's what I've always known I wanted. I've done so much reading and research and talking about this because being a mama is pretty much the most important thing we women can do! If it doesn't happen that way- oh well. All that matters is a healthy happy baby and a healthy happy Mama.