Monday, January 11, 2010

Let it be

So yes, it's still cold. I think the whole country is cold. We're shivering and complaining and wishing for warmth. And I heard on the news that we're actually just wimps. Modern, heat seeking, wimps. This isn't even close to the coldest winter on record. But ya know what? I don't care. It's cold. You're cold. I'm cold. The ice is everywhere and my car doors were frozen shut again this morning. So yeah, I'm gonna bitch a little and that's that. I am glad the sun is out. Sun on ice sure is lovely.

The girls came over last night (see the pictures below) and I made a big pot of spaghetti and turkey meatballs. There was garlic bread and wine and cupcakes. A perfect winter feast for the ladies. We ate, drank, turned up the music and with candles flickering we danced. I don't know what it is, but a dance party with girlfriends takes me back. I feel twelve again. But this time I don't have braces. I'm not uncomfortable in my own skin. I feel young and carefree when we're twirling and laughing until our bellies ache.

Cute boyfriend is en route. He's coming home to me he said. And I couldn't be happier. It's cold out there. But I'm warm. And I'm happy.

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