Saturday, January 2, 2010


Sometimes I drink champagne and watch Shirley MacLaine movies.

Sometimes I get my heart broken. Sometimes I don't.

Sometimes I have curly hair. And sometimes I spend an hour straightening it, only to wish it curly again.

Sometimes I slam a door, down a drink, break a heel, lose a phone, hate myself, hate my life.

Sometimes I am brought to my knees by the glory of it all.

Sometimes I can write. Sometimes I can't.

Sometimes I watch MTV and pretend I'm 18 again. And then I laugh and thank God I'm 27.

Sometimes I cry on the bathroom floor with the weight of the world bearing down. Sometimes I laugh until I cry.

Sometimes I tell people exactly what I think. Sometimes I can't find the words to tell them how they inspire, align, affect, engage, or disappoint me.

Sometimes I wish I had blue eyes.

Sometimes I worry where I'll go when I die.

Sometimes I feel lit from within by something so incredible, so awe inspiring that I want to put the light in a box and hide it under my bed. Sometimes I share the light.

Sometimes the wind blows and shakes the trees but they bend. Sometimes they break.

Sometimes I break.

Sometimes I heal.

Sometimes it isn't enough. And sometimes it's all too much.


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