Friday, February 5, 2010

Oh yes, it's winter

The snow has started. Right now it is slow and lazy. Kind of like me. It is light and very fluffy and full of the promise of fun. But the weathermen are telling us to get ready. And so I've bought the fixins for chicken noodle soup, chocolate rice krispie treats, turkey sausage and spaghetti and so much more. I'll cook. The snow will fall. I'll shovel. And then maybe I'll get my camera and wade through the drifts for those oh-so-lovely untouched snow photographs.

They're calling for 20-28 inches and blizzard conditions. Also, something called thundersnow which fascinates the bugs right outta me. Guess I'll find out what that's all about later. Maryland is shutting down. Schools and business are closing. The shelves are bare of meat, eggs, bread, nachos, and condoms. You know, the essentials.

It is warm and cozy in our house and we have more than enough of everything should we need to "remain indoors and out of harms way for 3-5 days". A lot of people hate this snow. They are angry because it cancelled their meeting, their party, their plans. But I love it. This snow, this weather is the great equalizer. We cannot control it. We can only prepare and submit. We must stay warm, and safe. That is our only job while we see what kind of plan Mother Nature has for us. She is the one pulling the strings, and I so respect that. And I kind of like an excuse to stay in my pajamas and cook and watch those movies I haven't gotten to yet.

So that's all for now. I'll try to take a before picture (though there is already 4 inches of snow on the ground from a previous storm). I guess I'm back to blogging for the duration of this homebound spell at least. Stay warm. Or cool. Whatever your climate.


Cassidy said...

I hope you get to experience thunder is awesome to watch the lightening, hear the thunder, and seeing snowing so hard you can't see much past your happens here usually once or twice a winter with our lake-effect snow storms. Have fun, stay warm and safe, and looking forward to pics!!!

Tiff said...

ooooh I like the sound of that:) I already took a bubble bath, drank a glass of wine, and made Chocolate frosted rice krispie treats (a la mama shaw) I will post pics soon!!. It's comin down fast and we're expecting now up to 34 inches which hasn't happened since like 1958 here. Pretty cool to be a part of.

Cassidy said...

That is awesome...I saw the pics and I'm just glad it's you and not me!! We are only getting about 3-4 inches out of this same storm..then sun the rest of the weekend, but cold..I'll take it!!! Have fun..I'm sure I'll keep checking in on you...stay warm, and safe:)