Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday, our way

We woke up late, for us, and talked over his latest trip (San Antonio). Ate a quick breakfast and headed off to Target for some random things (racquetball stuff, sweatshirt, and toothbrush holder...along with an expensive couple of Starbucks coffees)

Then we hit the liquor store (pomegranate martinis...mmmmm) and the car wash. Because his car was no longer a color, it was pure salt.

And now? Now we're being deliciously lazy (video games for him, discovery channel for me) But later on we're going out for his first birthday dinner of the week! Sushi maybe. Whatever his heart desires. And I won't wear a little black dress and ice pick heels, but I will line my eyes, and curl my hair and put on that cute white sweater I never wear.

It's a good day.

(and it's 50 degrees!!!)