Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Women Want

Cute boyfriend and I watched this the other day (truth be told, I came downstairs and he was already watching it, and well I just found that so darling I sat down, put my head on his shoulder and watched with him).

I've seen the movie a few times. I love it every time. It's Mel Gibson (before his...uh...stuff) and Helen Hunt (who cute boyfriend and I agree is HOT) and it's just a fun movie with a great, easy message.

Women just want to know that someone will be THERE. Sometimes it's a physical THERE. Sometimes emotional. Sometimes it's the ice cream aisle and we're all, "I don't knowwww. Maybe chocolate? Or cookie dough? Or mint chocolate chip?" And sometimes, it's just a good fight, a strong kiss and a promise to always come back.

It makes her feel close
makes her smile
it's like he's with her almost
till the tears take over

I don't know if anyone can promise forever. Oh God, there are so many variables. I think you recommit everyday. You choose to love. And that's the only way to make it to forever. To wake up everyday and choose to love.

it's just a worn out Notre Dame t-shirt
she's gotten mad and tried to throw that thing away at least a hundred times
but she's got it on tonight
he used to wear it on the weekend just runnin around
probably forgot he even left it behind
she says it keeps her warm
oh, but it's so much more

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