Friday, February 8, 2008


I've been thinking a lot lately about my personal faith. I was raised Catholic because my Mother was Catholic. My father liked to tell people that he was raised by hill people and was a heathen. (can you see why I never had a chance at being normal?)

My Mother made sure that my brother and I attended church and CCD classes and followed the sacraments up to confirmation (which in the Catholic church, means that once you are confirmed you are then a part of the church as an "adult") After confirmation we were allowed to choose between staying a part of the church or opting out of organized Catholic religion.

I bolted through the church doors directly into the waiting arms of Satan. Sweet sin how I missed thee.

I chose to leave the church because it was boring. I know it sounds juvenile, but I was 12 and needed to watch Full House, paint my nails and discuss the finer details of my crush on the boy of who kinda sorta brushed my butt with his hand. I didn't have time to hear about how Jesus made the blind see- how did that help ME?

I don't regret leaving the Catholic church. I didn't see its relevance in every day life.

But. I have a strong faith. It's my personal relationship with God. I talk to him. I ask him for help and guidance. I beleive that he, she, or it is capable of miracles. But mostly, I believe that it is my, our, hard work, determination and free will that makes the difference.

We're faced with choices everyday. Some are clear cut, good and bad. More often though we live in gray areas. Our lives are cloudy, our decisions often the choice between two evils. The murky waters make good decisions all the more important. I'm trying something new these days. In every situation, I pause and think "What would Spongebob do?" Because really, my goal these days is to have fun, make good choices, not hold grudges and remember that we only get one shot at this life. Why not make it the best we can?

So my question to you is: What do you believe in?

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