Monday, February 11, 2008

Late night

It's 8:30pm and I'm still at work- we're finishing up two deals.

It's cold as...well...Canada outside and that got me thinking about the homeless guys that live in the woods behind our lot. Seriously. There are four or five of them. Bruce is the one I see the most. He always says hi, waves, and tells me to have a good day. Everyone tells me to be careful around them- but I've never been afraid. I won't be trudging into their colony in the woods, but I'm not afraid. Have you ever gotten the sense that someone is good? You know, that gut feeling that they mean you no harm, that inside of them is a genuine soul? That's how I feel about these guys.

I want to ask them how they became homeless- did they lose their jobs? Divorce? Veterans? But I feel like that would be rude. There must be a homeless code of honor or something. I don't really know. Having never been homeless (thank God), I think about them a lot, especially in this bitterly cold weather. How do they stay warm? How do they eat? What's with all those beer bottles and condom wrappers I find on the lot? Drunken, safe sex? Awesome.

I say hi to them always- and I want to offer food and money -but does that help? Hinder? I don't know.

What I do know is this, I feel something every time I see Bruce, bundled up in rags, donated coats and anything he can find. I feel a pull inside my stomach. Something that makes me grateful for everything I have. Something that makes me realize that when I complain, I'm complaining from a warm house, a full belly, and a future. My complaints may seem big in the moment, but in comparison, they are so very trivial.

Conversation between Bruce and I:

Me: Sir are you in the market for a new vehicle?
(Bruce strokes his long grey beard and ponders my question)
Bruce: Yes ma'am, how much for this one?
(he asks, pointing at the Mercedes C-280.)
Me: fine choice sir, that one is only $1.00
Bruce: THAT'S HIGHWAY ROBBERY! I'm taking my business elswhere!
Me: (turning myself inside out with laughter)
Bruce: (smiles wide, showing me his 4 teeth proudly)
Bruce: Have a nice day ma'am!
Me: You too Bruce, you too

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