Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Secret

For a few weeks now I have been working on something. And at first, you may think it's silly but hear me out.

It's the secret of life. And it can be bought for 30% off at your local Borders bookstore. The book is (quite simply) entitled "The Secret." It is focused on the guiding law of the universe, the Law of Attracation. And put in it's simplest form the Law of Attraction states that "Like attracts like."

Basically, your thoughts are what determine the path of your life.

The book is relatively short and is the compiled work of over 50 people who are living the lives they always wanted.

I'll try to sum up the basic ideas:

1. Ask for what you want in your life.
2. Believe that you deserve it
3. Receive it and be thankful for it (to God or the Universe- whatever you beleive in)

Have you ever thought about someone you hadn't seen in a while and then they suddenly call or appear in your life? It's not coincidence. It's the power of your thoughts.

Have you ever faced a difficult situation and the more you thought about how terrible it was, the worse it got?

Conversely, what if you woke up each and every day, and thanked God and the Universe that you are alive, awake, and have numerous blessings in your life? What if you wrote a list of all of the things that you passionately desire and then beleived you DESERVED them and when they appear you are genuinely GRATEFUL FOR THEM.

I guess for me, one of the biggest things I have taken from the book so far (and I am reading and re-reading it every day) is to find the GIFT in adversity. Look at the "problems" in life as opportunities. Change brings new growth. And sometimes, I forget that. So now I'm looking at things that would have normally upset me and finding the flower growing between concrete. There is ALWAYS something good hidden in something that seems bad.

The biggest change I have noticed, is a change in my personal and work relationships. People are suddenly being nicer to me. They are smiling more and I don't think it's because "people" are suddenly nicer, I think they are responding to what I am putting out there.

I've dealt with a lot in my life, and in the past I truly believed I didn't deserve to be happy. I beleived that bad things just kept happening to me. I had a victim mentality. What I've learned and continue to learn is that I was telling the Universe that I wanted bad things to happen. By focusing on negativity, I attracted negativity. I could feel tension in my shoulders and back and my face fell into a frown naturally. Who wants to talk to or be nice to someone who looks like that!!??

So my challenge to you, my friends, the people I love so much is to think positively today and from now on. Ask for what you want. Believe you deserve it. And receive it with gratitude.

And no, I'm not a hippie freak. I just want to be rich, happy, and eat cookie dough for breakfast. What more can a girl ask for?

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