Thursday, May 22, 2008

Weird facts about ME

Because after all, you were dying to know...

I like chocolate, I like milk, but I don't like chocolate milk

Spiders make me nauseous

I genuinely like football

One of my biggest pet peeves is people who cannot figure out how to use: your vs. you're

I have a ridiculous chapstick addiction

I believe in aliens, UFO's and all of that

I like to take care of people. I like to be needed

I watch Spongebob... by myself

My dream is to be a Kindergarten teacher

Sometimes if I think too much about the food I am about to eat, I can't eat it. It grosses me out. If it's meat or something from an animal. Like right now, I'm thinking about eggs. Ew.


Say What said...

Read my post this morning... in about 15 minutes.

Tiff said...

It's like you're a fortune teller!