Saturday, June 28, 2008

They're not just for reproduction anymore!

(I typed this whole post and then Blogger SHUT DOWN AND DID NOT SAVE IT. So sorry if this post is suckier than I originally intended)


That one word can strike fear in the hearts of scorned women 'round the world; or conjure images of bare chested, muscled construction workers sweating in the summer heat.

There's just something about men. The cool way they approach things in their world. Their wit and humor. Their fear of vulnerability. They are as simple as we are complex and they are the puzzle we cannot put together. But we'll never stop trying.

I find men to be very watchable. There is an economy to their movements. No wasted hand gestures or extraneous chit-chat. Each stride has purpose, each word has meaning. The way they stand tells us their mood. It's in the way they smile, and laugh. There's a little bit of magic in a roomful of men, voices raised deep and masculine.

I watch them sometimes, these men that keep secrets and tell lies. That say nothing and speak volumes. These men that we love and these men that we hate. I watch them. And they challenge me and they challenge you. And they live for themselves. They are the compliment to our highs and the balance to our lows. We can live without them.

But where's the fun in that?

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