Monday, June 30, 2008

Just Fed-Ex my glass slipper. Thanks!

I read an article last week about divorce. It caught my eye because it contained advice from top divorce lawyers around the country and what they've seen as the common reasons relationships break up. From lack of intimacy, to believing you can change your partner with marriage, they hit on all the hot buttons. One thing that stood out to me was their opionon on age. Through their years of experience, not one of the lawyers suggested that getting married before 25 was a good idea. They actually advocated waiting until after 30, when people tend to be more settled and more in tune with their own needs and wants.

So Mom, I'm not a freak after all. I'm just taking my time and making good life decisions.

There are times I see people getting married and I feel envious. Then there are times when I love my freedom so much that I can't imagine being tied down right now. I like that I can go home at the end of the day and choose what to eat. I can go to the gym when I want. I can fall asleep when I want. I have no one to report to and no one expecting anything out of me. It truly is a selfish time in my life, and there is a part of me that cherishes these days because in the future I fully intend to have a husband and children. I look forward to days filled with family and laughter in a crowded house where I am expected to be all things to all people. Just not now.

So I'll keep working hard and planning for the future as much as anyone can. And I'll wear my best gown to the ball, but not for him. I'll do it for me, because I like cute shoes and dressing up.

And when you see my carriage turn into a pumpkin at the end of the night, just wave as you pass by. I'll be the one laughing hysterically in the front seat, glass of champagne toasting the sky.

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