Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cleanup on Aisle 2

I stopped by Target today on my way back to work and glanced through their jewelry for a second. I love that they have a huge selection of inexpensive jewelry. Because mentally I am five years old, and should not have anything on my body worth more than $20.

I was browsing through the silver jewelry when I saw a lovely ring. I slipped it onto my finger and admired how it sparkled. And then I realized...

I couldn't get it off. The damn thing was stuck. I tried hopelessly to pull it off, turning my finger a sweet shade of blueberry. Sweat beads broke out on my forehead. I realized that the more I panicked the worse it got so I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I envisioned myself taking the ring off and yet still, it wouldn't budge.

Noticing my struggle, a sales associate came over:

"Can I help you?"
(I had my back to her)
"Yes, but when I turn around you have to promise not to laugh."
(I turn around and hold up my hand, the ring still attached to the paper backing)
"Oh dear," she said, "I guess it's stuck huh?"
"Yeah, it's stuck alright. You can make fun of me. It's ok. I'm used to it."
"No no," she tried to hold it back, but I could see the smile starting. "Happens all the time. Really, let me just call the back."
(she gets on her walkie talkie)
"Yeah, this is Keisha. Um, I have a lady here who got a ring stuck on her finger....(at this point she turns away from me, whispering into the walkie) You gotta come out here. And bring the lotion."

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