Wednesday, July 2, 2008

College Daze

I was reminded a few days ago about an incident that happened in college. I've written about it before but not on this blog, so I will reiterate. It is THAT GOOD.

In college, two of my friends and I used go swimming at the pool on campus. For their privacy I will refer to them as Ken and Jatie. It was a cold winter night and we had just finished swimming laps in the pool. As we made our way into the locker room, Jatie was struck by an urge. One she could not resist.

With a devilish gleam in her eye, Jatie stripped off her bathing suit and like the roadrunner in the desert, took off! Her bare feet made almost no noise on the tile floor as she ran quickly past the lockers and into the showers. She was like a gazelle, only less graceful and laughing maniacally. Suddenly....


Picture this: A naked, sobbing, Asian in a puddle. I dare you not to laugh. Jatie curled up in the fetal position, tears streaming down her face as she gripped her leg.

Ken and I remained motionless as the door to the locker room swung open.

In walked 20 young girls from the local swim team. As they passed by the Asian puddle, they muttered to themselves and pointed. Ken and I could barely breathe. The fall coupled with the perfect timing of the young, impressionable swimmers and lord help us all, her nudity was too much to bear. We doubled over, laughing so hard that no sound could come out. I think she eventually pulled herself up and got dressed. To be honest, I don't really remember what happened after that. Just that moment, frozen in time like so many others that I will keep locked in my memory for years to come.

(no Asians or swimmers were harmed during this post)

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