She sat on her front stoop, all bare skin and sunlight. A chubby baby squirmed on her lap, stealing stares from passerby. Gently, she smiled at me. The red light by Euclid stayed red. I turned up the music and returned the smile, wiggling my fingers at the little one. His eyes lit up.
When your life is going too fast, off the train tracks
I can slow it down,
oh just when you think you're 'bout to turn back
Scared you might crash
I'll be your ground,
oh oh when you feel your hearts guarded...
The light turns green. I push my sunglasses back up my nose, roll down the window a little more. The air smells like Autumn. People wander along near Howard University, bookbags and slow strides.
and when the clouds have all departed
you'll be right here with me
Potholes rock the car softly. Light cranes its neck over buildings meeting up with stubborn shrubbery that just won't stop growing.
and when your tears are dry from crying
and the world is turned to silence
you'll be right here with me.
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