Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The weekend re-cap

This weekend was chock full of activity. Saturday we had a special event at work that was fraught with tension, arguing, stress and a lot of sales. I don't know what it was. There was a strange energy when I arrived to start the pre-sale setup. Something about the new Manager doesn't sit well with me. He brings a dark cloud and tension wherever he goes. It's as if he can't relate to others. We are convinced there is some sort of chemical imablance in his brain. No joke. His awkwardness is palpable. It creates gaping holes of silence and discomfort and makes us all cringe. So we'll see what happens with that!

Saturday night I had the rare opporunity to have dinner and drinks with my Mother and Gram. We were three generations of women, gathered around a table by the water, toasting life with Rum Runners. We talked non-stop about everything under the sun until it fell away leaving darkness behind. We parted ways and I realized that I come from a place of strength, humor, and resilience and that I'm so thankful for the women that have come before me.

After the dinner I met up with my friends downtown for a night of reunions and birthday celebrations. It was chaotic! The Naval Academy had their homecoming so the streets were swarming with uniformed men, and revelers. We danced and laughed into the wee hours, finally returning home to crash, completely content, in our beds.

And Sunday? Well Sunday Sunshine and I spent the day looking at puppies. Yes, puppies (with an 's') We plan on adopting two tiny chihuahua's. And we cannot wait. They are so small, and we prefer the one's with "less desirable" features such as the precious floppy ears. Hopefull by November, we will be the PROUD owners of two bundles of joy.

I will start posting regularly again soon... It's been hectic. Our office was re-remodeled (and's still not done...) And also? Well, I've just been lazy.

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