Friday, October 3, 2008

Debating the Future

I couldn't run a country. This I know. I haven't the slightest idea how to handle the conflicts in the Middle East. I routinely turn to maps to help me understand the geography discussed on CNN. I'm not ashamed of that. I'm taking the time to educate and re-educate myself as the opportunity presents itself.

As Americans, we are rasied with a very self-centric view of the world. We are the center and everyone else revolves around us. It is a lovely place to believe we are. In reality? We're all in this together. None of us can exist without the help of the other, without the contrast.

I sat with Sunshine last night, watching the debates, thinking to myself that this world would be such a better place if people would simply say what they mean, and mean what they say. I saw Palin and Biden dance around the answers to questions, never fully making their point. The catchy terms like "Maverick" and "Change" were repeated over and over. However, with nothing concrete to back up these terms, it became fluff. Like a jar of cotton.

Oh Palin has cute glasses and impeccable fashion sense. And Biden is classically political in a sharp suit and tie. But beyond that. Beyond the hype. Beyond the rhetoric. All I want to know is this:

Who is going to help me win the Powerball?

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