Shameless Self Promotion
Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.
-Blaise Pascal
I just have to (HAVE TO) say something. One of my personal pet peeves is people who are shameless self promoters. They come to you and consistently repeat anything and everything complimentary that anyone has said to them. Don't go around telling everyone how wonderful you are and how wonderful other people think you are. Don't tell me that so and so said you're the best, that you're the most amazing creation short of Reese's cups. If you're that great, I'll notice it. And I'll tell you.
I'm all for self-confidence and being proud of who you are and what you accomplish. But humility goes a long way. Actions speak louder than words (oy, with the cliche).
*steps off soapbox*
Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.
-Blaise Pascal
I just have to (HAVE TO) say something. One of my personal pet peeves is people who are shameless self promoters. They come to you and consistently repeat anything and everything complimentary that anyone has said to them. Don't go around telling everyone how wonderful you are and how wonderful other people think you are. Don't tell me that so and so said you're the best, that you're the most amazing creation short of Reese's cups. If you're that great, I'll notice it. And I'll tell you.
I'm all for self-confidence and being proud of who you are and what you accomplish. But humility goes a long way. Actions speak louder than words (oy, with the cliche).
*steps off soapbox*
The Child in the Median
I was driving to work this morning down Ritchie Hwy (for those of you who live in Maryland, it was the stretch near AACC) when I looked into the median and saw a small child standing alone. He was on the opposite side from me. It is a four lane highway and I couldn't stop right then. So I drove up to the nearest cut through and turned around. As I got to him,I saw a man in a green truck had pulled up. Traffic was at a standstill. I rolled down my window.
The boy was warmly dressed, standing behind the guardrail in between the lanes of high speed traffic. He looked to be about three years old. A passing undercover police officer stopped. It was obvious the man in the green truck didn't know the boy and was just trying to get some information. He was crouched down and smiling but kept his distance. No one moved.
I watched as the officer approached. The man in the green truck took off is hat and scratched his head. I could hear him say, "He was just standin' there. He won't say anythin' but 'Hi'."
The officer approached and got on eye level with the boy. Other cruisers arrived. And traffic started to move again.
I felt helpless. I wanted to scoop him up and take him home. I wanted to feed him soup and demand someone be held accountable for leaving him alone on a freezing morning in the middle of a busy highway.
All the Comforts of Home?
First class? Coach? Does it matter?
In the above story, a Best Buy executive was denied a first-class seat on United Airlines because he was wearing a track suit. Do you think he should have been allowed to fly? Or do you think there should be a dress code?
I'm torn on this. Which is strange. I'm normally a live and let live kind of gal. But I can't help but to long for the days of men wearing suits to ball games, and women sweeping around in elegant dresses with well coiffed hair.
I'm a great lover of sweatpants. In college I would go to the bar after a soccer game in my uniform. I thought nothing of it. I still dress casually- jeans, tshirts, hoodies. But I do love to throw on a skirt, some heels, and pin up my hair.
The local radio stations compared this story to restaurants. In a fine restaurant you are expected to dress accordingly; no jeans, men must wear a jacket in a lot of cases. We don't bat an eye at this. But on a plane, while traveling, should comfort matter more than style?
I really don't know!
There's a part of me (the part who doesn't shop at Target, who doesn't wear flip flops 8 months out of the year) that thinks maybe we should all put a little more effort into how we present ourselves.
I wouldn't mind dusting off my prettiest heels and adding a little eyeshadow now and then. There's something oddly powerful about being purely feminine.
But for now I'll wear my jeans, let my curls be wild, and I'll be glad that I live in a place that allows me to do just that.
I was driving to work this morning down Ritchie Hwy (for those of you who live in Maryland, it was the stretch near AACC) when I looked into the median and saw a small child standing alone. He was on the opposite side from me. It is a four lane highway and I couldn't stop right then. So I drove up to the nearest cut through and turned around. As I got to him,I saw a man in a green truck had pulled up. Traffic was at a standstill. I rolled down my window.
The boy was warmly dressed, standing behind the guardrail in between the lanes of high speed traffic. He looked to be about three years old. A passing undercover police officer stopped. It was obvious the man in the green truck didn't know the boy and was just trying to get some information. He was crouched down and smiling but kept his distance. No one moved.
I watched as the officer approached. The man in the green truck took off is hat and scratched his head. I could hear him say, "He was just standin' there. He won't say anythin' but 'Hi'."
The officer approached and got on eye level with the boy. Other cruisers arrived. And traffic started to move again.
I felt helpless. I wanted to scoop him up and take him home. I wanted to feed him soup and demand someone be held accountable for leaving him alone on a freezing morning in the middle of a busy highway.
All the Comforts of Home?
First class? Coach? Does it matter?
In the above story, a Best Buy executive was denied a first-class seat on United Airlines because he was wearing a track suit. Do you think he should have been allowed to fly? Or do you think there should be a dress code?
I'm torn on this. Which is strange. I'm normally a live and let live kind of gal. But I can't help but to long for the days of men wearing suits to ball games, and women sweeping around in elegant dresses with well coiffed hair.
I'm a great lover of sweatpants. In college I would go to the bar after a soccer game in my uniform. I thought nothing of it. I still dress casually- jeans, tshirts, hoodies. But I do love to throw on a skirt, some heels, and pin up my hair.
The local radio stations compared this story to restaurants. In a fine restaurant you are expected to dress accordingly; no jeans, men must wear a jacket in a lot of cases. We don't bat an eye at this. But on a plane, while traveling, should comfort matter more than style?
I really don't know!
There's a part of me (the part who doesn't shop at Target, who doesn't wear flip flops 8 months out of the year) that thinks maybe we should all put a little more effort into how we present ourselves.
I wouldn't mind dusting off my prettiest heels and adding a little eyeshadow now and then. There's something oddly powerful about being purely feminine.
But for now I'll wear my jeans, let my curls be wild, and I'll be glad that I live in a place that allows me to do just that.
The airline not letting the guy sit in First Class is "BS". The guy already paid for his ticket and should be able to sit. First Class isn't a club. They shouldn't define him, maybe he might have a lot of loot but outside of the office he might be a track suit kind of guy. He was a plane and not in the "Board Room".
I'm inclined to agree Reggie. I like playing devil's advocate too though. I mean, clearly he is successful, not that it even matters. If someone pays the money OR gets upgraded they should wear what makes them comfortable (as long as it's not completely inappropriate like no pants or something weird...)
I'd be very annoyed if I had paid that ticket. Do you think there's a dress code that is explained clearly somewhere when you buy a ticket? Unlikely, methinks.
(But I do agree that people shouldn't wear tracksuits unless they go to the gym.)
Oh my God. That little boy. Please tell us what happened with him. Why was he standing there?
As to the plane thing- that is just rude as hell. People wear track suits all the time. I am sure there are track suits that cost more than my entire wardrobe. Now the fact that I don't think they're that attractive doesn't mean that anyone should get kicked out of his first class seat for wearing one. That is bogus.
Tiff, I do agree that we need to put more time and thought in to how we present ourselves. Your second to last paragraph is spot on (for women that is, as you know I don't own heals or eyeshadow, ha ha).
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