Friday, November 6, 2009

Let me explain

Below I've posted a video of cute boyfriend. And let me explain: he is a police officer on Capitol Hill. And yesterday he and his fellow officers were called in to break up a demonstration and arrest the people holding a sit-in at Senator Lieberman's office. NOW, let it be known that I am NOT against healthcare reform OR the right of people to demonstrate. I fully believe in our freedom of assembly. However, I just had to post this video because well, I'm proud of him. I think he does a good, and important job. He keeps the Senators safe. And while Congress (and all Government, really) is filled with so much corruption and whatnot, I like that I have the kinda guy whose job it is to keep the peace. He makes order out of disorder (I mean, have you met ME?)

Healthcare Protestors storm Lieberman's office


Ms. Moon said...

I would never have thought that Cute Boyfriend had such a job. And why? I have no idea. Because I never think about that sort of job but it is an important one.
Bless him and keep him safe.

Tiff said...

Haha- yup. That's his job. Well for another 3 weeks, then he goes into Dignitary Protection which is the Secret Service for the Senate. So I'm pretty proud :)