Below I've posted a video of cute boyfriend. And let me explain: he is a police officer on Capitol Hill. And yesterday he and his fellow officers were called in to break up a demonstration and arrest the people holding a sit-in at Senator Lieberman's office. NOW, let it be known that I am NOT against healthcare reform OR the right of people to demonstrate. I fully believe in our freedom of assembly. However, I just had to post this video because well, I'm proud of him. I think he does a good, and important job. He keeps the Senators safe. And while Congress (and all Government, really) is filled with so much corruption and whatnot, I like that I have the kinda guy whose job it is to keep the peace. He makes order out of disorder (I mean, have you met ME?)
Healthcare Protestors storm Lieberman's office
I would never have thought that Cute Boyfriend had such a job. And why? I have no idea. Because I never think about that sort of job but it is an important one.
Bless him and keep him safe.
Haha- yup. That's his job. Well for another 3 weeks, then he goes into Dignitary Protection which is the Secret Service for the Senate. So I'm pretty proud :)
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