Thursday, December 31, 2009

The best is yet to come

In saying goodbye to 2009, I look back on it all with love. There are no regrets. There are no hard feelings or dreams I didn't follow. There is only the sound of the clock on the wall and the sleet hitting the ground.

Life moves like a river, sometimes swelling with rainwater and sometimes waning with drought. But still it moves, ever changing, carving our niche in this great history.

We're here thanks to some cosmic gift or blunder or chance or divine intervention. It doesn't matter what you believe. It matters only that you are here. And how you spend your minutes. Because long after you and I are gone, when we are only a whisper in wind, nothing will matter except how we lived and loved.

2009 was a year. 365 days. I devoured them greedily, waiting for the next and the next, always anxious for what was around the corner. So I'll try to be more patient in 2010.

In 2009 I eliminated negative people from my life, surrounding myself only with those who want to help and nurture and challenge me.

In 2009 I met and fell in love with a man so good, so kind, so sweet that he makes my teeth ache and my soul smile.

It has been a very, very good year.

I hope that whatever failure or triumph or joy or loss you experienced this year has made you stronger. And I wish for all of you, the best that 2010 has to offer.

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