How many mistresses is too many? In my humble opinion, one.
And that being said, I am never surprised but always dismayed by the sheer amount of media attention paid to a story such as this. Tiger cheated on his wife. Tiger lied to his wife. This issue (accident notwithstanding) is a private one (yet here I am, discussing it)
Tiger has worked to cultivate a private image and has up until a little while ago been successful at maintaining a private life; as is his right. He has made unheard of amounts of money through golf and endorsements. He has earned those things fair and square. He has been held up as a model human being. An athlete, husband, father, businessman. But no one ever knows what goes on behind closed doors.
It makes me sad to hear of these marriages that are set up as business arrangements. It makes me hurt for the children raised in volatile, loveless, sham relationships. I cannot begin to fathom the psychological and emotional damage of being raised in a lie. My heart breaks for them. Adults can make choices. Children are thrust into the consequences.
I come from a certain school of thought: I don't understand cheating. I never have and I can honestly say I never will. Someone once told me "never say never" when it comes to cheating. But I know me. I know right from wrong. And that is all it comes down to. It isn't as complicated as everyone tries to make it. There is no excuse. Normally I see lovely and varying shades of gray. But not in this case. Marriage is a commitment. It is a promise. And yes, divorce is rampant. But divorce, in my opinion, is preferable to cheating. If you get to that point with that person where you can't keep those vows and need to look outside the marriage for affection and understanding and all of those other things, then you need to leave the marriage. Staying and cheating (for the kids) or staying and hating each other (for the kids) or staying for business purposes (for yourself and...uh..sure the kids) is not the answer.
And I know the whole, "Judge not lest ye be judged" and all but I'm not judging. I'm stating an opinion and the idea that we all have the power of choice. Tiger chose poorly. Now let's get the cameras out of their lives so they can take care of those precious babies.
I think some of the problems with cheating and divorce these days is that everyone is all to happy to jump to a divorce is something is working out. I believe that cheating, whether you are married or not is wrong, and shouldn't be stood for, but that's my opinion. I think that if, before you got married, you and your partner decided that you would work through any/all problems that arise as a team, and that divorce is NOT an option for you, it makes it much easier to be happy and faithful in you marriage. Beau and I said that from day one...divorce wouldn't be an option, unless all other options had been exhusted, or unless there was physical violence..because that is just not safe for kids or adults!! With this mindset, we have had, maybe, 1 fight per year in the 10 we've been together, and are sooo happy together. There is a no secret rule in our house also, for both us and all the kids, and it makes it so much easier, even at 7, for Todd to talk to us about anything, because we have a very open relationship. If people would try just a little harder, and really think about the vows they are taking, I think we could eliminate alot of these problems...but, just my opinion. Great post...and really, it should be about the kids, they didn't choose this life, so you need to make it the best for them, and if it means be it!!!
I agree. I have no tolerance or understanding for cheating. I agree with the taking divorce off the table as well. And honesty and openness is SO important. I'm glad you and Beau and the kiddos are so happy :)
I was talking to a guy today and he was talking about how the media is saying that Tiger needs to apologize to the public. And that he believed that Tiger had no reason in the world to apologize to him!
I agree.
It ain't my business.
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