Monday, December 28, 2009

The Wedding

The Wedding Party toasting with Cosmopolitans before getting all prettied up
Oh, did you say the MOST beautiful bride in the world? Well there ya go...
The boys, Cody & Jamie (and well hidden flasks)
The first dance as man and wife, to candelight & soft music. May there be many more...
The cake & the couple BEFORE they were covered in icing
Is that some sort of divine light or an ultra bright flash? Does it matter?
Those little darlings fought it out
They didn't let go of each other all night....May your lives be filled with love and laughter. Weather the storms together. And always remember this day. I love you both.
Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Cody Donaldson.

1 comment:

Ms. Moon said...

Best wishes from Lloyd.