Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So, tell me, what scares the pants right off of ya?

I was listening to the radio this morning and they were discussing phobias. Some were normal like public speaking or financial ruin (uh, who isn't scared of this right now?!) Some were decidedly more unique. Like ducklings, or three ring binders. I kid you not. This young guy called in saying he was terrified of those three ring binders with the big metal rings. He was afraid they would snap and puncture one of his veins. Oh I said a little prayer for him alright.

But it got me thinking about my fears. And yours! What scares you? I have a lot of the usual: spiders, scorpions, someone breaking into my home. But I also have a few oddball fears. I can't have anyone touch my ankles or calves. It evokes a primal reaction where I feel an urge to maim the offender. I can't explain it, but I know that I feel a real panic when this happens. I'm also afraid of my throat going dry and choking, so I am never without a bottle of water.

So what are your fears? What makes your skin crawl? Let's be weird together!


Unknown said...

99.5?? I heard the same thing about the 3-ring binders and cracked up! Seriously?! I'm scared of homeless ladies with shopping carts named Denise!

Ms. Moon said...

What the hell DOESN'T scare me. That would be an easier question to answer. And I have to say that those three-ring binders make me think the same thing but not in an illogical-this-is-bound-to-happen way. Just a wow-these-could-pierce-an-artery-way.