Tuesday, March 9, 2010



I lost my job yesterday. Yup. And boy is it a story. And no, I didn't do anything wrong. And no, I can't go into details on here. Let it just be said that some people on this Earth have no moral compass and I feel deeply sorry for their souls.

I'm not really worried. I have two other things lined up and I work at the museum part time already. And let's face it, what is life without a little adversity here and there. I have so much. A beautiful home, safe car, devoted friends and a boyfriend who has once again proved himself to be a modern day knight in shining armor.

And there's more to say. Isn't there always? But it's almost seventy degrees and the sun is out in a cloudless sky so I'm going to raise my face to the light and drink in life.


Ms. Moon said...

Sounds like you're going to do fine! Enjoy the light!

N2 said...

Make hay while that sun is shining. Charge up those batteries. Tomorrow or even next week are soon enough to deal. x0 N2