Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7th

You are sleeping next to me as I type this and every so often you'll shift and brush your foot along mine. "I'm still here," I say, and you sigh and drift off again.

It is our anniversary. One year. 365 days of you in my life. Each different than the last.

Thank you for every one.

I'll let you sleep a little more and then we'll go to our champagne brunch and talk about that fabulous surprise party I threw you last night. The one I couldn't quite keep secret. You knew a little, you said, just a little. But oh we did celebrate you and us. Family and friends gathered together, sharing drinks and a lot of laughs.

I don't have a lot to say. I don't want to wake you with my click-clack typing (and my broken space bar which says "ker-clunk") but I do so love you. Thank you for every hug and kiss. For always being authentically you. For loving me.

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