Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Will work for shoes

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I've never had a dream career. Cute boyfriend knew from birth that he was destined to be in law enforcement. He made it happen. He is wildly successful.

Me? I ate worms. See the blog title? Not just for silly value people. And I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't want to pick just one thing to be. I know that my family thinks I'm kind of flaky bouncing around from job to job. I did hold one job for 2 1/2 years and I loved it. But the economy hit and hit hard. But my secret, which is a secret no more, is that I really like trying new things. I like meeting new people and mastering new jobs. I think it's fun. If I have to do this work thing (the trophy wife/lottery winner/long lost rich uncle avenues aren't working out) then I want to have fun. I have been a nanny, a recruiter, an insurance agent, a receptionist at a dental office, a switchboard operator, a car salesperson, a youth fitness instructor and well...probably more.

But I don't really care. I used to care that other people cared. "Oh what will they think of me?" And then I hit my mid-twenties and I just stopped caring what other people think. I work. I do what makes me happy and I don't hurt anyone along the way. I can't count how many amazing relationships I have because of my previous jobs. I have collected this eclectic group of people whom I adore (Holly, that's for you. Name that phrase).

So yeah. That's where I am. Where are you? What do you do even though maybe others consider it a little odd?


N2 said...

I do most of my grocery shopping by bike here in town and mostly limit myself to the small "natural food" store, the "Mexican market" and the farmer's market (May-November). People remark on it, bike dinks think I don't have the "right" gear (not enough spandex), but I look on it as a lucky privilege to live near the center of town.

Whatever works, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else, is my motto.

Hang in there, Gal! x0 N2

Ms. Moon said...

Uh? Raise chickens?