Thursday, April 22, 2010

A'int it grand?

1. Ever heard the one about the girl who got everything she wanted? Yeah. Me neither. Until now :)

2. I am working very hard on resisting the urge to punch "one uppers" square in the face. If I'm busy, they're busier. If I'm tired, they're exhausted AND have a headache. If I'm working nine hours, they're working 9 and 1/2 hours AND researching the cure for those old men with really hairy ears. But I'm resisting punching them, because I recognize in them a need to be heard. So I listen, and I sympathize and I know that something I do probably irks them. So, same-same.

3. Cute boyfriend: you are the joy, light, and love of my life. Thank you for all that you are, and all that you do. I couldn't ask for anything more. (PS- I'll be sleeping on your pillow tonight. Miss you)

4. Negative people can go suck eggs.

5. Sometimes you only get ONE chance to impact someone's life. Leave them with a smile. (unless they are the type of person to break down on the curve of a major highway and when you don't see them because of their ridiculous positioning of the car they YELL at you like a banshee....uh...for example)

6. When I die (if I get to talk to someone on the ferris wheel/boat/cloud/gate/bumper car I will tell them that this life was damn good. Even the bad stuff. And thanks. Cause like, I didn't ask to be born but it totally blew my mind.

7. I really, really, really, really can't get over this fear of bugs. I wish I could. Sorry Cute bf, I used your tennis shoes to smoosh a creepy crawly this morning.

8. Everything is green. Everything. And the new grill is all set up. And summer? Well it's just a second away...

9. I'm heading off to watch Runaway Jury and rest up for an eventful weekend at work. Pictures to come!

Love to you all!

1 comment:

N2 said...

Dear WE - This is a wonderful list. So glad to hear that Spring has you in its spell and that things are going well with CuteBF. Kisses...N2