Friday, April 2, 2010


I'm frustrated, fed up, and finally giving up. We don't get to choose our family. I think that's what makes friends so special. We choose them. They choose us. But family? Ah hell, we're just stuck with them. Sometimes that's good. And sometimes? Well...yeah.

And I don't really know what to say tonight other than this: I have a good heart, a good life, and a good man. I feel a joy that I can't even explain when I think about the life I have actively participated in creating.

So here it is: you may not agree with the decisions I make but you have to respect my right to make them. And you need to really see me for who I am. To the family members who know nothing about my life and base their opinions on hearsay and flimsy details, come to me. Talk to me. And, consider the source of your information. Everything comes through someone's filter.

I am a strong, intelligent, resilient, loving, optimistic, joyous person with more to give then you'll ever know. Do not underestimate me.

My life is mine. And it's better than I ever imagined. I have forged friendships that reach out like a lighthouse in the darkest night. And I know the love of a man who would lay down his life for me. But what's more, he'll take pictures of castles and we'll pretend their ours. He'll hold my hand in the grocery store line. And he'll support me no matter what, because he knows me and believes in me. And that? That is love.

So get off my ass. Fix your own life before you try to tell me what you think is wrong with mine.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

1 comment:

Cassidy said...

Well said!! I think that there are people like that in every family, mine included, and you just need to stand up and say take me as I am or go away!! I've done that, and have been happy for a long time. You are young, and have your whole life ahead of stick your toes in the water and test out new things, you just never know what you might find out there...and to the naysayers...who needs them anyways? They are just jealous that you have the courage to do the things you are and are enjoying every part of it!!!

Keep your head up, and that pretty smile on!!!
