Saturday, June 2, 2012

Away So Long

I need to come back. I miss writing. I feel less creative every day and I promised myself to re-commit to daily posts. Make me, will ya? Are ya'll still out there? Come back! I'll be witty (I think). I'll be open (except for weird medical issues). I'll be inappropriate at times (that's  a promise!)


Same job. Same guy. But we're getting a dog this week!  So that's something, right? 

I'm sitting here at work, on a Saturday dreaming lazily of a chicken salad sandwich and tequila - in no particular order. Maybe I scoot out around one and enjoy this 78 degree & sunny day. Life is for the living, after all.

PS: Think the Zombie apocalypse is about to start up again? Sure hope not. I have plans tomorrow.

1 comment:

Shershada Rauf said...

I really like your style of writing. So simple, and so involving~