Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Law of Attraction In Action, by Steve Dorfman

Shannon’s Great Aunt Florence, when she was living, had the ability to sense when a woman was pregnant. Aunt Florence could also sense the sex of the child with 100% accuracy. When Shannon was pregnant with her fourth child, she thought to herself one day, “I wish Aunt Florence was here to tell me if number four was to be a boy or a girl.” That very day, while shopping at Target, a man approached Shannon and asked if she wouldn’t mind him telling her the sex of her child. He, too, had that unique ability and did not know Shannon before that moment.

When I was asked to write about The Law of Attraction yesterday, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be neat if someone shared a story with me that I could include in this article? A story that could illustrate The Law of Attraction…in action.” This morning, family surrounded me in the hospital waiting room as we awaited the arrival of my sister’s first baby. My sister’s mother-in-law shared that story about Shannon and her Aunt Florence. In situations like this one, I used to say, “Oh, what a coincidence!”

Unless you have been under a rock for the last 18 months, you have probably heard of "The Secret" DVD and/or book."Based on sales, The Secret was by far your favorite DVD of the year [2007], marking the first time in our history that something other than a movie or TV show was the number one bestseller."

At its peak, I would jokingly say to friends and family, “Did you know that “Happy Feet” is currently the #2 bestselling DVD on” They would of course ask, “So what’s #1?”
So what is The Secret? The Secret is The Universal Law of Attraction. In a few words:

Thoughts become things
Like attracts like
Where attention goes, energy flows
What we focus upon, expands

For years we've been calling it many things:
Small world
Self-fulfilling Prophecy

It seems that most people believe that they are at the affect of the world. How would you like to, instead, know that you could affect your world? Could we have more control over our life experience than we know? If you are a student of The Law of Attraction, the answer is yes. Sound too good to be true? It shouldn’t – there is proof all around us. Have you ever been thinking of a person…and then the phone rings…and it’s that person? Have you ever been talking about someone you haven’t seen or heard from in a while…and then you run into him or her at the store? Do you, or someone you know, always get the best parking spaces? Do you know someone that was given two weeks to live…two years ago? Know much about the Placebo Effect?

Since The Universe does not discriminate, negative experiences are also available for those who choose them, consciously or unconsciously. Many of these people don’t even realize they are choosing them. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows. Lots of people go through life talking about what they don’t want:

I don’t want to be sick!
I don’t want to be broke!
I don’t want to be in an unhappy relationship!
I don’t want to be in job I hate!

What are our thoughts and feelings when we shout “No!” at something? Where is the focus? What are we giving our attention to? – The very thing that we do not want. Instead of pushing it away, we are bringing it closer.

“One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point of attraction and gives him more of it. So the better it gets the better it gets. Or the worse it gets the worse it gets. While one who is a visionary thrives in all times.”
(Source: Excerpted from an Abraham-Hicks workshop in Portland, OR on Tuesday, June 10th, 1997)

More than the power of positive thinking, The Law of Attraction is about the power of positive feeling. This is where many people miss it. I’ll hear them say, “I’ve been thinking about earning $100,000 for a very long time and it still hasn’t happened!” How do you suppose that person is allowing himself to feel? Has he allowed himself to experience the feelings of a top earner? Or, is there self-doubt, resignation and defeat beneath the surface…even if only deep down?
The Law of Attraction is very much about expectancy. What are you expecting from each day…each event…each relationship? We usually experience what we are expecting to experience.
Ask anyone who has had great success in any area of their life, about their path to success, and they will almost always tell you:

“I knew that I would be here.”
“I visualized this place.”
“I allowed myself to feel as if it had all already happened.”

Ask someone who has had great failure in an area of his or her life, about their path to failure, and they will almost always tell you:

“I knew that I would be here.”
“I visualized this place.”
“I allowed myself to feel as if it had all already happened.”

Interesting, huh?

Still skeptical? Trying to apply science to it all? Take a look around you, at people you know. Do some people just seem to have all the “luck.” Can luck be scientifically explained? For that matter, can we use science to understand serendipity, irony, coincidence or self-fulfilling prophecies?

1 comment:

Say What said...

It's true! Every time I don't want to go to work, and wanted to be sick, I got sick!

It's a bad example, but it's the truth.