Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I love them. Squeezable. Lovable. Chubby cheeked. Fresh smelling. Snuggly- BABIES.

Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about children. I think they are blessings. They are innocent, honest and loving. They are waiting for our approval. They are willing to learn new things, go on adventures and we are their example of how they should behave.

So I think it's understandable that I get mad... no... not just mad...ANGRY... when I see parents talk down to their children, hit their children, and generally be terrible examples to their children. These are the same parents that wonder why their kids act out, misbehave, lie, throw tantrums and run rampant in the world. To me, it's simple. It's a direct correlation to what they observed.

Now, I understand that some children are more difficult than others (I am a fine example of this). But parents are a HUGE moral compass for their kids and so many of them throw their children completely off course.

On the same note: when children grow up, (mid 20's and on) there comes a time when you have to STOP blaming Mom & Dad, Society, etc and take responsibility for yourself. I'm sorry your Mom didn't love you enough or that your Father abandoned you. I'm sorry your first boyfriend hurt you or you faced some sort of discrimination. It sucks. I know. It's not fair. Now, let's move on.

You're an adult now. It's time to face your life and to accept that it is yours to make something of. You cannot blame other people all the time- it simply won't do. And I don't have the time or patience to deal with you anymore. Everyone had/has sucky things happen to them. Everyone is trying to navigate their way around the mountains of problems that life provides.

Let's all wake up, stand up, dust ourselves off and decide that today is the day we're going to make a change. We're not going to let the past stand in our way. We're going to stop blaming everyone else for our problems.

Otherwise I'm going to smack you in the head and kick your kneecaps in.

(this message was brought to you by someone who is tired of lazy, irresponsible, whiny, adults who use their past as a crutch instead of a catalyst)

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